Jean Hatfield surrounded by his yard artThis is my cousin's old art professor from UCA in Conway. His name is Jean Hatfield, and his yard at 408 Donaghey in Conway is jammed and crammed with art made by him and his students. He's a hospitable old fellow and he gave me a tour of the yard; and for a couple of hours he and I discussed art and other lofty matters. I see no purpose in padding the text. Here are some pictures of his collection.


More Yard ArtAnd More Yard Art


From the Arkansas Democrat/Gazette, 28 November, 2002:

Mr. Hatfield has been cited for housing code violations in a disagreement with the city over what is art and what is trash and what can be displayed in his yard. He was fined $500, half of which was suspended if only he would tidy up. He's had a yard full of art for decades, and this past October 300 people gathered on the premesis to ask the City Council why all of a sudden they've got their panties in a bunch over this display.

Art is subjectively valued. During a tour of the grounds attended by Hatfield, the mayor and the citing officer, even Mr. Hatfield admitted some of it should go; but he wants the City Council to be specific about which pieces it considers babies and which it considers bathwater. Because you never know. After all, the Junior League of Little Rock bought a truckload of fiberglass pigs and posted them around town. The Little Rock officials had no objections the pigs, but some vigilante art critics have been vandalizing them.

Why can't we all just get along?

Mr. Hatfield could petition the City Council to have the ordinance rewritten or he could ask for a variance.


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